Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Kicking things off

Two weeks to go and I'm as ready as I'm likely to be
at this point in time I'm likely to feel
as ready as I'll ever be.

I've decided to a ride from Berlin to Brussels, through 12 countries (not a direct route). 3303km later, I expect I'll be a little thinner, scragglier and, if I'm lucky, robuster. The road buster.

I'm raising money for NKF (nudge Linus) and Arthritis Research UK (hello Tasha), and raising my own awareness of what Europe's like. A fantastically busy place, I'm sure. Pertinent to referendum times - peculiar times, heady times.

the best of
the worst of

Better off, one way or another. I'll check-in here every now and then with a picture or some such tid-bit. Sweet morsels for you, to peruse or not. At your leisure, it'll be my pleasure. That's all for now__primarily this is a test post.


If you'd like information that's actually useful, slash a way to donate to two tremendously worthy causes, click here.

Thank you for your thyme.