Monday, 19 March 2018

(On a Jet Plane)

Cory Zabiggie flies again! Literally third time writing silly rambunctious blog post because of stupid blogger app and ignominious thumbs. Is it worth remembering? What is recreation? Dishonesty, lies. Lies, lies from tiny eyes.

J is right when she says I am nomadic. Heck, I'd rather be a nomad than a monad (though I have just read a little about various meanings of the word 'monad' and they're nothing if not multifarious). Go mad, nomad, ad-free and unsaddled with sadnesses! No mad is an island.

Recommendation shout-outs for the free-willy walk go to Contact by Sagan, for humane and blastingly lovely sci-fi with HEART and FEELING and sociological tremors; Pancakes by Pontiac (by way of s.v.); and The Meters. Rejuvenate, don't denigrate. 

Pressing matters! (Especially regarding trousers) YES DAN I'M READY FOR THE SADDLE. Ready to be asked the question. What do you, there, wanna do? Pale blue dot, looking toward the eastern horizon. Is that a red beacon I see? A marker? Red blob at night, Turkish delight. 

First leg logged, planned. Preliminary preparations perfunctorily accomPlished. Staring down the 0zone. Just one more mug of China rose petal leaf tea and a timely reengagement with various contacts IN China. Enough to make you feel squishy. The World does blossom! And the people with it.

Neat little rows, a pocket full of posies. I leave tomorrow. They give it three three three clear days so if that isn't a clarion call then what is? I'm in the Totnes Times, so get yours now or next week at the chippy and read me through oil and mushy peas (Silver Grill please).

Reachable by phone until I am in Serbia, Kosovo or Turkey and beyond. Data available till then, occasional Wi-Fi thereafter. Sending love via usual channels. Be good to each other. See you on the continent, or off it. 


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